Penn Design | Spring 2014 | David Leatherbarrow
Architecture 402: Dominican Motherhouse
Motif (n) /mōˈtēf/: a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed
The following studio focused on an analysis and interpretation of extensive design iterations conducted by Louis Kahn for the conception of a new Dominican Motherhouse near Philadelphia, PA, in an effort to compose final masterplan proposals for the unfinished project. Access to original drawings by Kahn was provided on behalf of the University of Pennsylvania architectural archives in conjunction with the writings of architect, Michael Merrill.
Programmatic Analysis
Typological comparison study of Le Corbusier and Kahn designs for a monastery refectory, noting symbolic aspects of scale and proportion within plan and section, resulting in the proposal of an idealized refectory design noting symbolic motifs of scale, proportion and orientation in relation to interior light penetration
Site visit to Media Pennsylvania
Visit to the intended site for Kahn’s Dominican Motherhouse masterplan, noting the topographical and lighting conditions on the site
Resulting Monastery Masterplan
Site plan proposal for the unfinished Dominican Motherhouse layout and landscape design, positioning a collective array of idealized monastic spaces developed by the studio